Sunday, 19 May 2013

Be the best that you can be

I’ve been listening to a seminar by Jim Rohn this week which I found on YouTube, and there’s one simple thing that stood out for me more than anything else. 

Jim Rohn looks at a tree and asks the question how tall will it grow? How high will it reach if you let it? The answer of course is as high as it can. Trees don’t grow half way to their potential and stop, they grow as tall as they can, plant their roots as deep as they can and get as many leaves as they can. They will grow to the maximum they possibly can.

Now why as humans don’t we do exactly the same? Why do people often choose to be less than they were designed to be? Why do we settle for being only a part of what we can be? Would you be satisfied if you bought an iPhone but it only let you text and make phone calls on it? That wouldn’t be experiencing the full potential of the phone. So why settle for less than your full potential in life? The icons who have changed and shaped the world over the centuries are people just like you and I who settled for nothing less than being the best they could be. So what might happen if we did the same?

Look at your life and think about the year ahead. What difference would giving your all make? Do you think you think you’d be in a better or worse position than if you only give a part? Challenge yourself. In the next 12 months from today start focusing on doing the best you can. Be as enthusiastic as you can and as generous as you can. Learn as much as you can and smile as much as you can. If you want something in your life work as hard as you can towards it. What will you achieve by being the best YOU that you can?

If you want to listen to seminar by Jim Rohn use the following link:

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

£10 million

Imagine if you were given £10 million. How would you feel? There are very few people out there who wouldn’t be thankful for such a gift.
When I think of life I imagine it as being a gift of £10 million, to be used however you wish. But how many people wake up every morning thankful for the £10 million they’ve been given?

What would you do with £10 million?

The Careful
There are some people who appreciate just how incredible a gift £10 million is. So they cherish it, and as a result put it in the bank to keep it ‘safe’. They might occasionally spend some of it, but overall it’s pretty much untouched, but at least they’ve still got their £10 million right?

Some people are the same with life. They realise how important and precious life is and so as a result they’re incredibly cautious. They don’t like to take risks, don’t like to get out of their comfort zone, and as a result don’t necessarily use their life to its full potential. This isn’t to say that they don’t have fantastic lives, as I’m sure many do, but there’s always that little bit more they could have given, or that little bit more potential they could have unleashed.

The Party Animal
There are some people who are somewhat less careful and who may start to use the £10 million very quickly. They might spend it partying, living a lavish lifestyle, buying the best cars, the biggest house and the most expensive holidays. Unlike the person before, they are using their £10 million and they’re using it FAST! And unfortunately, unless you plan on getting given another £10 million (not going to happen I’m afraid), that sort of lifestyle is unsustainable so eventually there’s nothing left.

Some people are the same with life. They might be ‘living their life to the full’ and having a great time, which is awesome, but ultimately they are floating from one high to the next. They are the sort of people who live for immediate gratification and as a result they don’t look and plan for the future. They end up living their life in an unsustainable way and unfortunately they eventually max out.

The Wise
Now in my opinion, the wise would realise how precious a gift of £10 million is and as a result want to use as much of it as possible. But unlike the person before, rather than spend it living an unsustainable lavish lifestyle they decide to invest it. They’re sick of the crappy 3% interest the ‘careful’ person is getting from the banks and decide to invest it in property, business and the stock market and become wealthy as a result.

This is the same with life.

Everybody’s life is their £10 million, so make sure you invest yours. Invest in yourself. Invest in your own self-development and work hard to continuously learn so you can become the best person you can be. Then you can start to unleash your full potential. Invest the time to seek what you’re passionate about, and start ‘inventing a life you love’ rather than just ‘making a living’.

More importantly invest in the lives of others. Offer support, advice, compassion, inspiration friendship and love towards other people. If you can use your life to help make every group of people you come in contact with better, then you will become infinitely ‘wealthier’ as a result.
After all, what can you actually achieve in life without other people? Could you run a business? Start a family? Could you be truly happy? The answer to most people would be a resounding no. There’s very little you can do in life without others. So be grateful for the people you share your life with and seek to make their lives better.

Invest your £10 million and you will become wealthier as a result. Invest your life and you will Make Your Difference.