Sunday, 19 May 2013

Be the best that you can be

I’ve been listening to a seminar by Jim Rohn this week which I found on YouTube, and there’s one simple thing that stood out for me more than anything else. 

Jim Rohn looks at a tree and asks the question how tall will it grow? How high will it reach if you let it? The answer of course is as high as it can. Trees don’t grow half way to their potential and stop, they grow as tall as they can, plant their roots as deep as they can and get as many leaves as they can. They will grow to the maximum they possibly can.

Now why as humans don’t we do exactly the same? Why do people often choose to be less than they were designed to be? Why do we settle for being only a part of what we can be? Would you be satisfied if you bought an iPhone but it only let you text and make phone calls on it? That wouldn’t be experiencing the full potential of the phone. So why settle for less than your full potential in life? The icons who have changed and shaped the world over the centuries are people just like you and I who settled for nothing less than being the best they could be. So what might happen if we did the same?

Look at your life and think about the year ahead. What difference would giving your all make? Do you think you think you’d be in a better or worse position than if you only give a part? Challenge yourself. In the next 12 months from today start focusing on doing the best you can. Be as enthusiastic as you can and as generous as you can. Learn as much as you can and smile as much as you can. If you want something in your life work as hard as you can towards it. What will you achieve by being the best YOU that you can?

If you want to listen to seminar by Jim Rohn use the following link:


  1. What a great thought! In my own life I have settled at times because of fear, because of what others might think, lack of money, and the list goes on. I'm now determined not to let anything hold me back from living a full life. Thanks for sharing the video and your thoughts.


    1. Thanks Luke. I'm glad you enjoyed the video and the post. I completely agree with you that there are so many things that quite often lead us to settle, and it's important that we do keep moving forward and work hard to become the best we can.

      I had a look at your website and your blog too. I love the most recent posts about imagination. It's a strange to think about just how powerful our imagination is, and yet how little we as adults tend to tap into it.

      Even Albert Einstein, regarded as one of the smartest people in history says "Logic can take you from A to B, yet imagination can take you everywhere".

  2. Hey Tom! Thanks for stopping by my site! Means a lot that you took time to read.

    I think people give up on imagining because they have lost the ability to believe in the impossible...then all you are left with is an average life.

    Thanks for the Einstein quote...I will definitely have to incorporate that.


  3. Great post! I too believe that everyone can do something spectacular with their life. Whether 19 or 90, we can set our mind on an exciting goal and enjoy every day striving to achieve it!

    People might just need a little is Be Epic coming along?!
